Tobacco Barn Grey Wood Wall Covering – Master Bedroom

Tobacco Barn Grey Wood Wall Covering – Master Bedroom

Here’s a Reclaimed Tobacco Barn Grey wood wall we installed for a customer in the Master Bedroom of their home in Scottsdale, AZ.  The wall turned out great.  It looks perfect with the bed, night stands & chandeliers…But it even looks better with...
The Slide

The Slide

This fun slide takes you downstairs in this customer’s home through its own barn wood cladded...
Young’s Market

Young’s Market

Young’s Market approached us through DelMastro Contracting to provide them with all sorts of materials and components for their recent buildout. They have created a specialty training and event space at their location. Here are a list of some of the items you...
Wentworth Office

Wentworth Office

Tobacco Barn Grey “Arrow” Sliding Door. Laser engraved logo and reclaimed material used through out...
Potato Barn – Reclaimed Wall

Potato Barn – Reclaimed Wall

This Tobacco Barn Shorts wall is made of mixed hardwoods from the South. We covered the majority of the front wall in Potato Barn at their new Scottsdale location. Tobacco Barn Shorts are comprised of a mixture of our Tobacco Barn Brown and Grey materials in 5′...
The Baked Bear – Mill Ave

The Baked Bear – Mill Ave

The Baked Bear on Mill Ave recently opened and used our Tobacco Barn Grey, Tobacco Barn Brown and Mushroom Wood on the main wall of their...
Blissful Adobe Island

Blissful Adobe Island

Speckled black materials used on this island and open shelving by Blissful Abode Interiors for White Fig Homes check them out on Instagram: @blissfulabodeinteriors...
Intel – Chandler, Az

Intel – Chandler, Az

Intel’s front lobby in Chandler, AZ you’ll see new technology being displayed near this creative reclaimed wood wall. There is a mixture of many different types of reclaimed woods from all over the...
NXS Remodeling

NXS Remodeling

NXS Remodeling is sporting some Porter Barn Wood materials in their Scottsdale showroom including Tobacco Barn Grey Sliding...
CitySkate – Phoenix

CitySkate – Phoenix

CitySkate is a seasonal outdoor ice rink in Downtown Phoenix on Washington and Central Ave. The Porter Barn Wood team built the Rental House and Dividers out of our Mushroom...

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