Reclaimed Oak Flooring Restoration – New City Studio

Here’s a project I did back in 2012 for New City Church. The studio they have in downtown Phoenix had a room where the floor had been damaged and carpeted over. When they ripped up the carpet only about 50% of the floor remained and very little of the floor could be used. I happened to find a floor in Cedar Rapids, IA with the help of my father-in-law who had salvaged it after the town flooded. The floor was not only an identical size and species match, but came from the very same decade and was milled in a nearby county. On the bottom of most flooring the manufacturers would stamp the location where the product was made. This was common practice in turn of the century mills. I was elated to have exactly the amount of flooring needed for the project. I had it shipped here, where I ran the pieces through the machines at the shop to true them up and surface them. Then I installed, sanded, finished, and replaced the trim in the room at the studio. It was quite an undertaking. The finishes match the existing floor as seen in the photo. There’s a threshold dividing the two floors as you’ll see below.